Groundnut Farming In India with Complete Guidance

The groundnut farming business is beneficial for the farmers in India. Groundnut is a type of dry fruit that grows below the ground's surface. We can consume It with salt, peeled and non peeled. Another name for peanuts is earthnut, monkey nut and Grounpea.

Well-drained loose loam or sandy clay loam soil is suitable for Groundnut farming. Deep, well-drained dirt with a pH of 6.5-7.0 and high productivity are ideal for Groundnut. The optimum soil heat for good germination of Groundnut is 30°C. However, the low warmth at sowing delays germination and improves seed and seedling requirements. Therefore, a soil test must be done before rising groundnut cultivation.

Crop rotation Groundnut Farming

Crop rotation is essential in groundnut farming. This supports effective nutrient utilization and minimizes soil-borne diseases and nematodes. It also serves to defeat the number of weeds. We can grow Pearl millet, Sorghum, Maize or small grain crops following Groundnut. However, to reduce the number of soil-borne diseases, it is recommended not to increase Groundnut after cotton, tobacco.

You should use efficient tractors like the Mahindra YUVO tractor and others so that you can remove the weed at the time of tilling for the next crop. Due to its good mileage, it can save extra expenses for you.

Groundnut Manures and Fertilizers

A stable fertilizer application based on soil tests should provide adequate phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sulfur, and magnesium levels in Groundnut farming. Nutrient availability depends on soil pH, natural matter content, and the release rate of nutrients from the soil minerals. The availability of other primary ions such as copper, boron, iron, manganese, and nitrogen may be low in alkaline soils. In contrast, acid soil may be deficient in molybdenum, manganese, sulfur, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium. Therefore, depending on soil nutrient state and the targeted yields.

Manure Utilization in Production of Groundnut

In Groundnut cultivation, application of 1 0 – 1 2 t ha-1 of coward manure or 20 t ha-1 of well-decayed farm yard-manure should be maintained and developed at least 1 month before planting. This should be incorporated into the soil for good plant growth and increasing soil formation.

Groundnut Crop Fertilizers Application

We can correct deficiencies of boron, manganese, copper, molybdenum and magnesium by applying these nutrients when symptoms appear, depending on soil kind and agroclimatic situations. The main Compost components in Groundnut Farming are Calcium, Nitrogen, Zinc, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sulphur, Iron.

How to choose the seed

You should select potent and well-filled seeds for stripping about one week before sowing. The viability of the kernels may decline after being charged and stored for a long time and are more subject to area pest damage. The plants originating from bold seeds were superior to those from correspondingly smaller kernels in their emergence rate, number of solid seedlings, number of primary branches and leaves, dry mass of roots, shoots, total dry matter, and pod yield.

Groundnut Seed Treatment

To control pathogens producing seed and seedling diseases, it is necessary to coat the source before sowing with either Thiram or Bavistin. In addition, the basis may be protected at the time of sowing by field medicine to ensure safe nodulation where the soil has been determined to carry few rhizobia.

Groundnut seed rate

The seed rate depends on the variety runner or bunch type, the seed mass, and the germination rate of the seed lot. The recommended population for bunch changes is 330 000 plants ha -1 (about one plant per 30 x 10 cm). In the case of semi-spreading and growing types, the favoured group is 250 000 flowers.

Groundnut Sowing method

Planting of Groundnut starts in the rainy season. And from the 3rd week of June.
Before planting, check the soil type and irrigate for good germination.
Be attentive while placing seeds at 5-6 cm depth in the ground. Applying a seed tool with packing wheels is necessary to assure uniform germination.
Uneven sowing happens because of different people, so make sure that the same person develops plots to defeat within-block change.

Therefore, the Mahindra Novo tractor can minimise the time and provide high working efficiency with the seed drills for sowing. You can also use other tractor models like this.

Groundnut Irrigation requirement

Groundnut yields will be minimum if the upper soil zone becomes dry from flowering through pod growth. A water deficiency may lead to the following outcomes.
Water deficit in the fruiting zone results in unfilled pods and less calcium absorption in the hull and seed.
Decrease in the dry matter production of vegetative parts and the crop growth rate. Rapid fruit growth by 10 days and reduces yield.

Water deficit during the flowering and pegging platforms results in higher yield losses than stress at any other growth stage; This deficit decreases the number of flowers.

For irrigation purposes, the Mahindra Jivo tractor is excellent because it gives maximum productivity.
Water deficit reduces groundnut quality, shelling percentage or good mature seeds, seed mass, and seed germination.

Groundnut Weed Control

Weeds harm the groundnut crop during the first 45 days of its growth. Therefore, the most critical period of weed match is from 3-6 weeks after sowing. The average yield decline due to weeds is about 30%, whereas plants maybe 60 % under poor control. Therefore, it is beneficial to control weeds unreasonably and chemically throughout the initial 6 weeks of groundnut increase.

The above details are informative for you regarding ground nuts. And for more blogs, stay tuned with us.

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